
Reina de Noruega.

Reina de Noruega.

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Norway’s Queen Sonja (C), together with architect Peter Zumthor (R) and Jerry Gorovoy, visits the glass house at Steilneset witch memorialin Vardoe on June 23, 2011. The witch monument is a memorial to 91 women who lost their lives in the witch processes. The monument is a collaboration between the artist Louise Bourgeois and architect Peter Zumthor. Vardoe is the place in Norway where most witches were condemned and burned at the stake. Between 1598 and 1692, 135 persons were indicted and 91 were executed as witches in Finnmark, the vast majority in Vardoe. Many of these were of Sami ancestry. The monument is erected at the place where the burning of witches originally happened, Steilneset in Vardoe. AFP PHOTO / SCANPIX NORWAY – Heiko Junge

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