Fallece el luchador Rocky Johnson, padre de Dwayne Johnson "La Roca"

Falleció este miércoles a los 75 años de edad el legendario luchador profesional Rocky Johnson, padre del actor y luchador Dwayne Johnson  "La Roca".

REDACCIÓN INTERNACIONAL.- Falleció este miércoles a los 75 años de edad el legendario luchador profesional Rocky Johnson, padre del actor y luchador Dwayne Johnson  «La Roca».

«La WWE se entristece al saber que el miembro del Salón de la Fama de la WWE, Rocky Johnson, ha fallecido».

Fue miembro del Salón de la Fama de la WWE desde 2008 y durante sus años en activo formó pareja junto a Tony Atlas. Juntos se convirtieron en los primeros negros en ganar un campeonato del mundo por equipos en la historia de la WWE.ciales.

Rocky Johnson cuyo nombre real es Wayde Douglas Bowles,  se retiró del ring en 1991 para entrenar a su hijo Dwayne, quien en la actualidad además de ser una leyenda en la WWE, es una de las grandes estrellas de Hollywood.

«En 2008, Johnson alcanzó el mayor honor en el ámbito del entretenimiento deportivo cuando fue inducido por The Rock al Salón de la Fama de la WWE, donde siempre será consagrado como uno de los actores más influyentes del entretenimiento deportivo», reza el comunicado emitido por la WWE.

Hasta el momento se desconoce el motivo de la muerte.


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Bought my dad a Christmas gift and surprised him. He’s had a hard life. This one felt good. My dad, Rocky Johnson is a minimalist. Always has been. Never asks me for much and over the years his needs are always the barest. Crazy story, my dad’s dad died when he was 13yrs old. That Christmas, my dad’s mom had her new boyfriend over for Christmas dinner. Her boyfriend got drunk and pissed on the turkey. My dad went outside, got a shovel, drew a line in the snow and said if you cross that line I’ll kill you. The drunk crossed it and my dad laid him out cold as a block of ice. Cops were called. They told my dad’s mom that when her boyfriend regains consciousness, he’s gonna kill your son so one of them has got to go. In front of the entire family, my dad’s mom looked at him and said get out. He was 13yrs old and now homeless. That f*cked up true story happened in Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada in 1954. He needed the bare minimum then, just like does now. Over the years, I’ve moved him into a big home, got him trucks to drive – which he’ll literally drive into the ground until I get him something else. Hell, I’ll get him anything he wants, but the SOB just won’t ask;). Every Christmas, I always think about that story and my dad having every odd stacked against him at 13, but he fought thru it and still made something of himself. Makes me appreciate his struggle and hard work. Also, makes me appreciate the fun times he would beat my ass in the gym so bad when I was 13 and say «If you’re gonna throw up, go outside.. and if you’re gonna cry, then go home to your mother». I hated it then, but I embrace it now. Made a man outta me. Without pissing on my turkey. ???. Just a small way of saying thank you dad and Merry Christmas! #DwantaClaus??

Una publicación compartida por therock (@therock) el





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WWE is saddened to learn that WWE Hall of Famer Rocky Johnson has passed away.

Una publicación compartida por WWE (@wwe) el