
VIDEO: Cámaras captan cómo un hombre envenena a decenas de peces tropicales en una tienda de mascotas

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El dueño de una tienda de mascotas en Singapur busca identificar a un individuo que la semana pasada envenenó a una gran cantidad de peces en uno de sus acuarios.

Ng Him Yick, propietario de Glassbox Aquarium, compartió en Facebook un video de las cámaras de seguridad del local, que el pasado martes 11 captaron al sujeto merodeando por el establecimiento antes de arrojar un polvo blanco a un tanque que contenía entre 40 y 50 peces tropicales de agua dulce. La sustancia provocó que el agua se volviera turbia y empezara a emanar un fuerte olor tóxico.

Este lunes, Ng explicó a medios locales que el incidente tuvo lugar mientras él atendía a unos clientes y drenó el acuario tan pronto como se dio cuenta de lo ocurrido, pero, para ese entonces, solo dos peces seguían vivos. El hombre estimó las pérdidas en 500 dólares singapurenses (364 dólares estadounidenses).

El hecho ha sido reportado a la Policía local, que ha abierto una investigación mientras se espera que la publicación de las imágenes pueda ayudar a localizar al responsable.

Appealing for information

It is with a heavy heart that we would like to share with you guys what happened to us on Tuesday night (11 June 2019, 8.47pm). Photos in comments.An unidentified man, dressed in white and brown checked short-sleeve shirt and blue pants entered our shop at 8.47pm and pretend to be browsing though the fishes. Meanwhile our only on-duty staff was attending to other customers, thus there is no interaction with said man. At 8.49pm the unidentified man was captured in cctv footage to be throwing some white powdery substance into our discus tank, the powder turned into a giant white cloud in the tank immediately (as seen in footage) and the inhabitants of the tank (WC Disucs, A.welhemi, bleeding hearts, cardinals and pencils) were killed within 5 minutes. The man left within 20 seconds of his action. The substance emits a strong smell, not something you can find in a household, more like some unknown industrial substance. Toxicity is so high that we do not even have enough time to drain the tank and save the fishes.Context: We do not know the man in the footage and do not have any disputes with him. He loitered in our shop several times and bought worms from us on 2 occasions. We believe he is able to assist us on several cases of theft in our shop, including a case of missing live betta. However, we did not pursue the case as we do not have sufficient proof, thus we maintain our interaction with him to a minimum while keeping an eye on him while he is around but he keeps coming back. All we know about him is he is a betta fish keeper, moves around in a bicycle and always visit us with plastic bags in hand (even though his bike has a basket for them).A police report was lodged and pending investigations thus we are appealing for any information of the unidentified to aid in the investigations. Any leads provided is greatly appreciated.TL;DR : Got sabotaged, looking for information on unidentified man

Publicado por Glassbox.sg en Sábado, 15 de junio de 2019

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