Una mujer que estuvo muerta durante 27 minutos relató lo que vio antes de volver a la vida

Su sobrina Madie Johnson, que recientemente ha compartido esta historia en Instagram, afirma que la mujer le colocaron un desfibrilador. "Después de despertar milagrosamente, lo primero que hizo ―incapaz de hablar porque estaba intubada― fue pedir un bolígrafo y escribir en un diario de mi prima 'es real'".

REDACCIÓN INTERNACIONAL.– Hace más de un año, la estadounidense Tina Hines, residente de Arizona, experimentó una muerte clínica durante 27 minutos tras sufrir un repentino paro cardíaco, y tuvo que ser reanimada cinco veces por su marido Brian y un equipo de paramédicos antes de ser trasladada a un hospital.

Su sobrina Madie Johnson, que recientemente ha compartido esta historia en Instagram, afirma que la mujer le colocaron un desfibrilador. «Después de despertar milagrosamente, lo primero que hizo ―incapaz de hablar porque estaba intubada― fue pedir un bolígrafo y escribir en un diario de mi prima ‘es real'».


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(sharing because this story is too cool not to share) A little over a year ago my Aunt Tina, one of the most amazing, discerning, and healthy people I know had an unexpected cardiac arrest and according to doctors had died and was brought back to life four times by my Uncle Brian and first responders before arriving to the hospital. She was put on a defibrillator and after miraculously waking up the first thing she did, unable to speak because she was intubated, was ask for a pen and in my cousins journal wrote “it’s real”. The people in the room asked “what’s real?” and she responded by pointing up to heaven with tears in her eyes. Her story is too real not to share and has given me a stronger confidence in a faith that so often goes unseen. It has given me a tangibleness to an eternal hope that is not too far away. I love you @_tinahines! The way you boldly love Jesus and others has changed the way I hope to live and love❤️

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«La gente en la sala preguntó ‘¿qué es real?’, y ella respondió señalando al cielo con lágrimas en los ojos», escribió Johnson en su publicación.

De acuerdo con Azfamily, Tina Hines relató que durante la muerte clínica de 27 minutos «los colores eran muy vibrantes». Agregó que había visto puertas negras y a Jesús frente a ellas, y que detrás de él había un resplandor amarillo brillante.


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I am sharing this because many have asked and want to know more. If you’d like you can watch my aunt and uncle meeting the paramedics who saved her on the link in my bio. While my Aunt’s story has impacted me in ways I can’t explain, I was not there when my Aunt collapsed. My Uncle Brian, my cousin Tatum, and their friend Jeff were there when she collapsed in her Arizona driveway. They were getting ready for a hike one second, and the next second saw my Aunt unconscious on the ground. My Uncle Brian and Jeff immediately did chest compressions before first responders arrived. My cousin Tatum watched as her dad tried to save her mom. In fact, paramedics stated she had no pulse and was shocked five times (I thought four). I hope to share more parts of the story soon, through the eyes of others who were there.

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«Su historia es demasiado real para no compartirla y me ha dado una mayor confianza en una fe que tan a menudo pasa desapercibida», aseguró la sobrina de la mujer.